Dogliotti Moro, Santiago


Grado y Servicio

Grado 5 / Facultad de Agronomia / Departamento de Producción Vegetal – Unidad Sistemas de Producción


Email: / Teléfono: 098888973

Área disciplinar


Disciplina / Subdisciplina

Producción Vegetal / Sistemas de Producción/Horticultura

Mayor nivel académico

Doctorado, Universidad de Wageningen (año 2003)

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Título del Plan de Actividades

Co-innovación de sistemas de producción familiar mixtos hortícola-agrícola-ganaderos en el sur de Uruguay

Palabras clave

co-innovation, farming systems, cropping systems, yield gap, modelling, simulation

Resumen Publicable

Meeting the goals of sustainable growth of food production and reducing rural poverty requires assisting family farmers to develop more productive, profitable and environmentally friendly farms. Faced with decreasing product prices and increasing production costs family farmers in south Uruguay tried to maintain their income by growing larger areas of fewer crops and increasing the use of irrigation and agrochemicals. Soil degradation was aggravated by this process, limiting crop yields, undermining the farmers’ aim of maintaining their income. A model-aided explorative study had shown that decreasing the area of vegetables, introducing crop rotations, cover crops, and including beef-cattle production would be a better strategy. To test this hypothesis we involved farmers, technical advisers and scientists in a co-innovation process that combined systemic diagnosis and redesign of the farm systems, social learning and dynamic monitoring and evaluation. The farms represented a large range of variation in resource endowment. Main problems found on all farms were deteriorated soil quality and low labour productivity, which resulted in low income and high work load. At the end of 2–5 years of redesign farmers had been able to implement most innovations planned. Irrespective of resource endowment, re-design increased the per capita family income and the income per hour of family labour on 13 out of 14 farms, by 51% and 50%, respectively. Soil organic carbon content had increased on 11 out of 14 farms and estimated erosion rates in vegetable fields had halved. Farmers considered multi-year planning the most important change introduced into their practice. They concluded that the role of the extension service agents should change from consultants of crop-centred decisions to supporters of the process of farm planning. The project showed that substantial improvements in economic and environmental indicators can be achieved when a whole farm strategic redesign is elaborated

Grado y Fecha de Ingreso al RDT

Grado 5 / Desde: 2005-05-01

Programa: Científico Proveniente del Exterior

El cargo NO se enmarca en este programa

Participa de Grupo Autoidentificado

Grupos: Innovación y Desarrollo sostenible de sistemas de producción agropecuarios



Curriculum Vitae

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Producción Académica

Documento 1: Aún no se ha cargado este archivo de Producción Académica.
Documento 2: Aún no se ha cargado este archivo de Producción Académica.
Documento 3: Aún no se ha cargado este archivo de Producción Académica.