Ravecca Fonseca, Paulo Daniel


Grado y Servicio

Grado 3 / Facultad de Ciencias Sociales / Departamento de Ciencia Política


Email: paulorav@yorku.ca / Teléfono: 22080897

Área disciplinar


Disciplina / Subdisciplina

Ciencia Política / Teoria Politica / Estado y Politicas Publicas

Mayor nivel académico

Maestría, York University, Canadá (año 2009)

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Título del Plan de Actividades

Political Science and the politics of science: a reflection from the Latin American experience

Palabras clave

Ciencia Política; Historia de la Ciencia Política; Historia Política; Teoría Crítica; Marxismo, Estudios Poscoloniales y Teoría Queer; Chile; Uruguay; América Latina; Poder y Saber; Epistemología

Resumen Publicable

Latin America has traditionally been both a politically lively space with strong left-wing movements and a privileged site for “radical” thinking. Not surprisingly, during the 50s and 60s, social sciences in the region were mostly informed by Marxism and other theories that were critical towards capitalism. In the 80s and 90s this situation dramatically changed and liberalism became dominant. The prevailing academic narrative today describes this intellectual shift as a process of “improvement”, since social scientists would have moved from “activism” to “serious science” (rightly embracing the notion of academic neutrality). My project focuses on the trajectory of political science (PS) in Uruguay and Chile and attempts to do a “problematizing redescription” of this process, telling the story of these changes in a different way. Concretely, I argue that PS’s changes in the region are a product of power relations. I show that what I call a «complex relationality» – composed of the rise of the United States as the main global power, the collapse of the Soviet Union and its effects, the traumatizing dictatorships of the 70s, the experience of democratic transitions, and the hegemony of neoliberal discourse, among other things – has had a huge impact on PS’s internal dynamics. In other words, the changes within PS are political: where many of my colleagues see “better science”, I see a transformation of the conditions in which our discipline is located and a significant ideological shift. Mainstream accounts of the history of the discipline tend to be descriptivist (atheoretical) and conceptualize PS as a self-contained reality (acontextual). Although my contention that we need to pay attention to context in order to understand the internal dynamics of the discipline is indeed very controversial, it is rigorously empirically and theoretically grounded. The main research strategies are a) 60 interviews with Chilean and Uruguayan political scientists of different generations and specialties and b) a systematic statistical analysis, employing SPSS, of the most important academic journals of the countries under study. The database will contain 1150 academic articles: 175 of the Uruguayan Journal of Political Science (UJPS, 1987-2012), 474 of the Journal Politics (JP, University of Chile, 1982-2012) and 501 of the Journal of Political Science (Catholic University of Chile, 1979-2012). These interviews and academic articles are the window through which I will see regional PS’s discourses and the impact of the context on our discipline and vice versa. The fieldwork has been completed and now I am analyzing the material. More than half of the interviews have already been transcribed and the database fed with all of the articles of the UJPS and the JP. Preliminary findings were presented at international forums and have been already published. My project makes theoretical contributions not only to the study of the development of PS but also to the broader conversation on the relationship between power and knowledge. It builds a dialogue between Latin American and North American perspectives on the history of PS; additionally, it pushes our discipline as such to look at the challenging mirror of critical theory. Thus, drawing on a tense dialogue between Marxian, poststructuralist, postcolonial and queer perspectives, along with my own interpretations, and by unpacking the politics of political science, I show that

Grado y Fecha de Ingreso al RDT

Grado 2 / Desde: 2011-08-01

Programa: Científico Proveniente del Exterior

El cargo NO se enmarca en este programa

Participa de Grupo Autoidentificado

No participa de ningún grupo autoidentificado



Curriculum Vitae

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Producción Académica

Documento 1: Descargar Produccion Académica 1
Documento 2: Descargar Produccion Académica 2
Documento 3: Descargar Produccion Académica 3